
Cattle, sheep, poultry, horse breeding, beekeeping

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Dairy cattle. Legal entities and individuals are engaged in dairy cattle-breeding in the country. The purpose of the development of dairy cattle breeding is strengthening the productivity of existing dairy species on milk production and increasing of their genetic potential. For this purpose, breeding of Holstein Friesians species is provided in order to improve current cattle species in areas specialized in the milk production in both state breeding agro-enterprises and private breeding enterprises.

Productivity and breeding quality of simmental species (dairy-beef and beef-dairy) is high and it is used for improving of local species. The main characteristics of this species: they produce more product than consumed forage, early maturity, fast growing, fast fattening, beef of high quality etc. Their color is red and parti-colored. Red color changes from ordinary red to light red, even to yellow widely. Currently, the most common color is yellow and parti-colored. Horns, nails and nose change from yellowish-white color to straw-yellow color. There are redness, red stripe and spot like rust in the end of horns, on the nails and nose accordingly.

Milk yield and fat content is quite high (3500-4000 kg 4,3-4,5%). New born calves, adult cows and bovines are 40-50 kg, 650-800 kg and 950-1100 kg accordingly. Beef quality is high, cows of 18 months and 24 months have weight of 420 and 480 live weight accordingly. They are resistant to local conditions and can be adapted well. They are suitable species for environmental product manufacturing.

Legal entities and individuals engaging in dairy cattle production achieve to increase production by increasing the number of cows and buffaloes and increasing productivity. For this purpose, most entrepreneurs organize feeding and care works in accordance with zoo-technical requirements by using advanced technologies.


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